Home/Tailwind CSS/:fisrt-child and :last-child in Tailwind CSS

:fisrt-child and :last-child in Tailwind CSS

Last updated: February 08, 2025

In Tailwind CSS, the equivalents of the :first-child and :last-child pseudo-classes of CSS are the first and last modifiers, respectively. You can use them to style the first/last child of its parent.



The code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <script src=""></script>

<body class="p-40 bg-purple-700">
        <li class="text-xl text-white py-3 border-b border-white 
            first:text-yellow-500 last:line-through last:border-b-0">
            List Item #1
        <li class="text-xl text-white py-3 border-b border-white 
            first:text-yellow-500 last:line-through last:border-b-0">
            List Item #2
        <li class="text-xl text-white py-3 border-b border-white 
            first:text-yellow-500 last:line-through last:border-b-0">
            List Item #3
        <li class="text-xl text-white py-3 border-b border-white 
            first:text-yellow-500 last:line-through last:border-b-0">
            List Item #4
        <li class="text-xl text-white py-3 border-b border-white 
            first:text-yellow-500 last:line-through last:border-b-0">
            List Item #5


This tutorial ends here. Happy coding and enjoy your day!

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Series: Basic Tailwind CSS Tutorials

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